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HEMERY John - Public Diplomacy (8h)

The concept and practice of public diplomacy have undergone significant and continuing change as the nature of relations between states and peoples have evolved dramatically in recent years. This workshop will address the impact of new technologies on political organisation and political decision-making within states, hence also on the practice of diplomacy between states and other entities. It will examine the nature of soft power, and the differing ways in which states and other actors attempt to bring effective influence to bear on government policy and public attitudes in rapidly morphing societies. It will consider the role of disinformation and cyber warfare. Students will engage with the issues in small group exercises designed to replicate the challenges faced by foreign and other ministries, and by non-government actors. The seminar requires no specialist knowledge nor prior preparation, other than to keep abreast of open source commentary on current international issues.

A short bibliography of recommended reading is attached to the program //ECTS CARD

Professor: John HEMERY