CALLIGARO O. SCHAUB J.-F. - Identity, Culture and the Symbolic Construction of Europe (25h)

Professor: Oriane CALLIGARO & Jean-Frederic SCHAUB      Academic Assistant: COGNARD Margaux

The central objective is to introduce students to an understudied dimension of European integration – the construction of a European imagined community – and to reflect on categories too often used uncritically such as ‘Europe’, ‘History of Europe’, ‘European identity’, or ‘European culture’. This reflection shall provide them with useful theoretical and empirical tools to assess critically past and current representations of Europe as well as a whole range of EU policies.

The course is divided in two parts.

In the first four sessions, Prof. Schaub adopts a historical perspective to explore those main concepts of European identity, consciousness or culture, and their emergence on the long term, from the Early Modern Times to WWI.

In the last four sessions, Prof. Calligaro focusses on the contemporary uses, in European policies, of these historical legacies to promote a sense of belonging to the European Union among the citizens.

ECTS card & Outline

Academic year
2022 - 2023
First semester
Course type
Optional courses
ECTS Points