LANNON E. - The EU and its Neighbourhood : Towards a ‘Closer Political Association’ and a ‘Deeper Economic Integration’ (30h)

Professor Erwan LANNON

This course aims at providing an in depth study of the European Union and its Neighbourhood at large. The approach is based on practice and technicalities with a clear professional orientation.

The course will start with a general introduction and then an overview of the Mediterranean Policy, as a first proximity policy of the E(E)C/EU (chapter 1). The second chapter consists in depth study of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP): main (geo-)political objectives, main instruments (Agreements, Communications, Action Plans, Progress Reports, etc.), financial means (European Neighbourhood Instrument), principles (positive conditionality, differentiation and ownership) and challenges. The third chapter includes a selection of topical issues: The EU and the Arab Spring; The EU and the Eastern Partnership; The Union for the Mediterranean, The ENP and its coherence with other EU’s proximity Strategies (Pre-accession, EEA-EFTA, Baltic and Northern Dimensions, Black Sea Synergy); and The EU’s broader neighbourhood: The neighbours of the EU’s neighbours (Sahel, Horn of Africa, Arabian Gulf, Central Asia).

A detailed syllabus will be provided with the main official documents and some readings and bibliographical indications ahead of each session in order to give the possibility to the students to familiarise with the topic and stimulate questions & critical understanding. Extensive use will be made of EU Internet websites so as to familiarise the students with the complexity of the management of the ENP at EU level and to give an overview of the ENP civil society and expert’s networks. Student group presentations will also be proposed to increase interactivity. 

ECTS card

Academic year
2022 - 2023
Second semester
Course type
Optional courses
ECTS Points