24 Jun 2013

The Transtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Boosting Growth at what Cost?

From 13:00 till 14:30
4th Floor

Madariaga – College of Europe Foundation
Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée 14
1040 Brussels

Madariaga – College of Europe Foundation

The EU and the US are facing similar challenges: fiscal consolidation and the fight against unemployment. Moreover, European and American economies are tightly connected and interdependent in terms of trade and investment. As such, the idea of a comprehensive transatlantic free trade area is gaining ground among political elites as a means to boost growth and jobs. Would a transatlantic free trade market boost economic growth and employment for both sides of the Atlantic? Does regulatory convergence risk weakening the social and industrial relation models in several EU countries further still? Would such a project weaken the multilateral trading system or, on the contrary, would it contribute to avoiding a return to protectionism and to set a new standard for FTAs at the global level?


A Citizen's Controverversy with Mr Zaki LAÏDI, Professor of International Relations at Sciences-Po and Mr Peter CHASE, Vice President of the US Chamber of Commerce to the European Union. 
The debate will be moderated by Mr Pierre DEFRAIGNE, Executive Director, Madariaga-College of Europe Foundation;

The debate will be held in English.

To register, please send your name, title and the name of your organisation to info@madariaga.org or by fax to: +32 (0) 2 209 62 11.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us on: +32 (0) 2 209 62 10.
Participation fee: € 10 / Students: € 3.Sandwiches and drinks will be provided from 12:30 onwards.

* Your personal data will be processed in accordance with out privacy policy for events. Please note that during the event pictures may be taken which can be used for publication. In case you do not want to appear on such pictures, please mention this to the event organiser.