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MARSDEN Ph. & MEYRING B. - Law of Competition in the EU (20/40h)

The objective of this course is to allow students to be able to analyse Articles 101 and 102 TFEU and their implementation and application through legal instruments and case-law; an introduction to EU merger control.

On completion of the course, the student will be expected to have gained an in-depth knowledge of the policy and the law of the European Union competition rules applicable to private undertakings.

It will cover General introduction to competition law and policy; market definition; the assessment of market power; Introduction to Article 101(1): agreements, concerted practices and decisions, Article 101(1): the object or effect of preventing, restricting or distorting competition, Article 101(3); Vertical agreements; Cartels, fines and leniency; Article 102 introduction;  Article 102: examples of abuse, pricing and non-pricing abuses; Article 102: non-pricing abuses: some case studies; Mergers: substantive analysis under the ECMR.

Professor: Philip MARSDEN


Master's thesis ECTS card