On 18 November 2019, the IBERDROLA Manuel Marín Chair for European Energy Policy of the Department of Political and Governance Studies (College of Europe) and the Climate Economics Chair (CEC, Université Paris Dauphine, on invitation of the European Economic Studies Department of the College of Europe) jointly organised a conference entitled "Pricing Carbon: The Silver Bullet for the Energy Transition?".
The conference was be introduced by Prof. Dr. Dirk BUSCHLE (Chairholder of the IBERDROLA Manuel Marín Chair for European Energy Policy), Prof. Dr. Béatrice DUMONT (Head of the Department of European Economic Studies at the College of Europe), and Prof. Dr. Marc BAUDRY (Senior Research Fellow at the CEC and Head of the Economics Department at Université Paris Nanterre).
9.45 Setting the Scene: Beatrice DUMONT/Dirk BUSCHLE/Marc BAUDRY
10.00 The Economics of Carbon Markets (Moderated by Raphaël TROTIGNON, CEC)
- Simon QUEMIN, Climate Economics Chair (Presentation);
- Beat HINTERMANN, Professor at University of Basel (Presentation);
- Philippe CHAUVEAU, Head of Solvay Climate Strategy;
11.00 Coffee Break
11.30 The Challenges of Implementing Carbon Taxes (Moderated by Dirk BUSCHLE)
- Raphael HEFFRON, Professor for Global Energy Law & Sustainability at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy at the University of Dundee;
- Michael MEHLING, Professor at University of Strathclyde School of Law;
- Lisa RYAN, ESIPP lecturer in energy economics, Energy Institute, University College Dublin (Presentation);
12.30 Lunch Break
13.30 Interlude: The European Emission Trading Scheme: From Zero to Hero? (Moderated by Dirk BUSCHLE)
- Jos DELBEKE, Professor at the European University Institute (Presentation);
- Kristian RUBY, Secratary General at Eurelectric;
- Daniel NACHTIGALL, Economist, OECD (Presentation);
14.15 Carbon Markets and Innovation (Moderated by Béatrice DUMONT)
- Massimiliano MAZZANTI, Professor at University of Ferrara (Presentation);
- Marc BAUDRY, Climate Economics Chair (Presentation);
15.15 Carbon Markets and Trade (Moderated by Dirk BUSCHLE)
- Hans BERGMAN, Head of Unit ETS Policy Development and Auctioning, European Commission DG CLIMA;
- Miguel MUNOZ, Head of Climate Policies, IBERDROLA (Presentation);
- Stefan E. WEISHAAR, Professor University of Groningen;
16.00 Farewell
The conference was open to the public.
For further information, please contact Thijs VANDENBUSSCHE.
The event was organised in the premises of the College of Europe by the Department of European Political and Governance Studies (which houses the Energy Chair) and the Department of European Economic Studies.
The Energy Chair is kindly sponsored by IBERDROLA