Prof. Jean-Pierre CASSARINO published an article for "La Revue Internationale et Stratégique"

Prof. Jean-Pierre CASSARINO, Senior Research Fellow at the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair of the College of Europe in Natolin, has just published a new article in the peer-reviewed journal La Revue Internationale et Stratégique 2021/2 (n°122).

The article titled "La dimension extérieure dans le nouveau pacte sur la migration et l’asile: L’Union européenne rattrapée par la géopolitique" shows that it is necessary to think carefully about the project to "normalize" readmission in the EU's external relations, especially in a regional context where the relations of interdependence between state actors have changed radically over the last two decades.

Creating a conditional link between readmission and visa policy cannot guarantee lasting cooperation with third countries, especially when the latter are, today, able to capitalize on their strategic position vis-à-vis certain EU Member States. 

The article is accessible here.