The politics of new immigrant destinations


The Politics of New Immigrant Destinations is a seminal book that charts hitherto underexplored territory. Its added value rests on three solid foundations: a relevant and novel subject matter, a carefully selected sample of transatlantic case studies, and a vigorous effort at conceptualization and typology building, insufflated with theoretical ambition. It discusses highly pertinent questions: How do new locales react to the diversity brought about by recent immigration? Do new destinations differ from traditional destinations in terms of their capacity to integrate newcomers? What are the degrees of novelty that can be identified in the new diversity? And do new destinations follow traditional paths in the integration of newcomers? The persuasive answers the book suggests are distilled from the evidence provided by a large, variegated sample of countries, regions, and cities at both sides of the Atlantic bundled together by the recent experience of migration and diversity. This book makes an important contribution to the migration literature.

Stefanie CHAMBERS. Diana EVANS. Anthony M. MESSINA. Abigail FISHER WILLIAMSON. The politics of new immigrant destinations : transatlantic perspectives. Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2017, 367 p.