28 Oct 2014

European Union and its EU drugs policy in a tailor-made programme to the EMCDDA

From 28/10 09:00 till 29/10 17:00


The College of Europe Development Office is organizing a second tailor-made training course in collaboration with the EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction). This year’s edition will focus on The European Union, the EU drugs policy and the relations with ENP region and will take place in Brussels on 28 and 29 October 2014. This two-day training is targeted at representatives of several ENP countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Israel, Moldova, Morocco and Ukraine - working in the field of drug strategies and policy coordination. The aims of the training course is to increase participants’ knowledge on the EU, the ENP, EU policy-drafting and implementation, the process and roles of the different EU institutions, monitoring and evaluation of EU strategies and action plans in the field of drugs. It also aims at increasing their knowledge and skills on availability, requirements and use of EU funding instruments.

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