EU-funded project El-Hiwar II - "Euro-Arab Dialogue on Human Rights: Understanding Each Other’s Priorities"
On 29 and 30 October 2019, a delegation from the League of Arab States Human Rights department came to Brussels for a series of meetings with EU representatives. The goal was to exchange and share information on each organisation’s mandate, policies, priorities, tools, mechanisms and initiatives in the area of supporting and defending human rights.
Other meetings took place on specific matters such as Business and Human Rights as well as with civil society representatives and think tanks.
This activity was organized in the framework of the EU-funded project El-Hiwar II –Training and Information Course on Euro-Arab relations, a project which foresees the implementation of a set of activities aimed at strengthening Euro-Arab relations.
More on El Hiwar II:
All NEWS from the College of Europe Development Office
This project is funded by the European Union.