Opening Ceremony Madeleine Albright Promotion - 2023/2024

OC 2023-2024


The Opening Ceremony of the Madeleine Albright Promotion 2023/2024 of the College of Europe - Bruges Campus took place on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 15:00 in the Bruges Concert Hall at ‘t Zand.


Mr Petr PAVEL, President of the Czech Republic, delivered the keynote speech, and Ms Julianne SMITH, the U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO, recalled Madeleine Albright, Patronne of the Promotion 2023-2024. 

Mr Herman VAN ROMPUY, President of the Administrative Council of the College of Europe, Rector Federica MOGHERINI, Vice-Rector Ewa OSNIECKA-TAMECKA, and students’ representatives Hélène RAMAROSON, Carl HURKMANS and Pablo TORRES MENDEZ also intervened during the ceremony. 

Rewatch the full opening ceremony here

Keynote speech by Petr PAVEL, President of the Czech Republic.

Speech by Herman VAN ROMPUY, President of the Administrative Council.

Speech by Rector Federica MOGHERINI.

Speech by Julianne SMITH, U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO.