Laure Delcour (FR) est maîtresse de conférences HDR à l’université Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris). Elle a enseigné sur l’action extérieure de l’Union européenne, la PEV et les relations UE-Russie à Sciences-Po, Sciences-Po Strasbourg, à l’INALCO et MGIMO (Moscou). Ses recherches portent sur la diffusion et la réception des normes européennes dans le cadre de la politique européenne de voisinage, l’interaction entre politiques européennes et russes en Europe de l’est et au Caucase du sud, ainsi que sur les processus de régionalisation en Eurasie. Elle a coordonné plusieurs projets de recherche français et européens sur ces questions et conduit actuellement un projet franco-autrichien (ANR-FWF) sur la participation des acteurs de la société civile au processus politique dans le voisinage de l’Union européenne.

Sélection de publications :

  • The Road to Equality? EU diffusion of anti-discrimination norms”, Democratization 29, no. 3 (2022): 469-486.
  • “From a ‘Common’ to a ‘Contested’ Neighbourhood: Connecting Levels of Analysis in EU–Russia Interaction”, in The Routledge Handbook of Eu-Russia Relations, edited by Tatiana Romanova and Maxine David, 392-402. London: Routledge, 2021.
  • “From principle to practice? The resilience–local ownership nexus in the EU Eastern Partnership policy” (with Irina Petrova), Contemporary Security Policy 41, no. 2 (2020): 336-360.
  • “Dealing with the elephant in the room: the EU, its ‘eastern neighbourhood’ and Russia”, Contemporary Politics 24, no. 1 (2018): 14-29.
  • “Well-Meaning but Ineffective? Perceptions of the EU’s Role as a Security Actor in the South Caucasus” (with Kataryna Wolczuk), European Foreign Affairs Review 23, Special issue (2018): 41-60.
  • The EU and Russia in their “Contested Neighbourhood: Multiple External Influences, Policy Transfer and Domestic Change. London: Routledge, 2017.
  • “Beyond geopolitics: exploring the impact of the EU and. Russia in the ‘contested neighborhood’” (with Esther Ademmer and Kataryna Wolczuk), Eurasian Geography and Economics 57, no. 1 (2016): 1-18.
  • “Between the Eastern Partnership and Eurasian Integration: Explaining Post-Soviet Countries’ Engagement in (Competing) Region-Building Projects”, Problems of Post-Communism 62, no. 6 (2015): 316-327.
  • “Spoiler or Facilitator of Democratization? Russia’s role in Georgia and Ukraine” (with Kataryna Wolczuk), Democratization 22, no. 3 (2015): 459-478.
  • “The EU’s Unexpected ‘Ideal Neighbour’? The Perplexing Case of Armenia’s Europeanisation” (with Kataryna Wolczuk), Journal of European Integration 37, no. 4 (2015): 491-507.
  • Shaping the Post-Soviet Space? EU Strategies and Approaches to Region-Building. London: Ashgate, 2011.


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