Professor Georges MINK participated in the lecture "Quelle influence Solidarnosc a-t-il eu sur la Chute du Mur de Berlin?" in Paris

On 25 March 2015 Professor Georges MINK, Permanent Professor at the Natolin (Warsaw) campus of the College of Europe and Emeritus Director of Research at the Institut des Sciences sociales du Politique au CNRS (Paris) participated in the lecture and public debate: "Quelle influence Solidarnosc a-t-il eu sur la Chute du Mur de Berlin?" in the Polish Library in Paris.


Two other specialists joined the debate as well: Mr Bernard LECOMTE, journalist and writer, author of the biographies of Pope John Paul II and Mikhail GORBATCHEV, and Mr Benoît D’ABOVILLE, former French Ambassador in Poland and in the Czech Republic.