Same-sex relationships and beyond


The legal status of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people has undergone significant changes in several countries, but remains highly complex and difficult for those affected. Although same-sex partners may have the right to marry or enter into a registered partnership in one Member State, this legal relationship may not be recognised when they exercise their right to freedom of movement. The same is true for certain parent-child relationships, which may be recognised as such in one Member State but not another.

This book explores the challenges and controversies concerning the recognition of same-sex relationships throughout the EU through the lens of EU legislation, the case law of the CJEU and ECtHR, and recent national developments. Following the Irish referendum and the recent ECtHR judgment in Oliari v Italy, more changes are expected in the near future.

Katharina BOELE-WOELKI, Angelika FUCHS. Same-sex relationships and beyond : gender matters in the EU. Mortsel : Intersentia, 2017, 220 p.