Unionsbürgerschaft und Migration im aktuellen Europarecht


Migration is one of today’s major subjects, whose legal processing follows two different regimes: one for EU citizens and another for third-country nationals. Both topics are currently in a state of flux. The legal position of EU citizens needs to be re-determined after a restrictive turn in the ECJ’s case law and the general EU crisis. The rules for third-country nationals are in upheaval as a result of Europeanisation and the EU’s refugee policy. This anthology links the two developments with contributions from aspiring young academics. While the articles in the first part deal with the concept of EU citizenship, the texts in the second part focus on selected problem areas of immigration law in matters of third-country nationals.

Daniel THYM, Tobias KLARMANN. Unionsbürgerschaft und Migration im aktuellen Europarecht. Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2017, 215 p.