Séminaires intensifs
Les étudiants auront la possibilité de participer à des séminaires intensifs le long de l’année académique.
ADAMS-PRASSL J. - Regulating AI at Work: from the Platform Economy to the Digital Single Market (8h)
BLOCKMANS S. - EU Common Security and Defence Policy and Law (8h)
MOAVERO-MILANESI E. - Libéralisation des services d'intérêt économique général (8h)
PICOD F. - Protection des consommateurs et libre circulation des marchandises et des services (8h)
RENCELJ M. - Space Bound: The Role and Reach of EU Space Legislation (8h)
RENDA A. - Artificial Intelligence: Legal Stakes and Challenges (8h)
ROSAS A. - Mission Impossible? Legal Issues of EU Accession to the ECHR (8h)
SOLANKE I. - Unconscious bias and discrimination in EU law; towards a decolonial approach? (8h)
TORNESE E. - The Law ofthe Banking Union and Capital Markets Union (CMU) (8h)
VISAGGIO L. - Le Parlement européen au cœur de la production normative de l'Union (8h)