Prof. Georges MINK's article "Geopolitics, History and Memory Games. Jumping from the 20th to the 21st century'' published in New Eastern Europe

Prof. Georges MINK, Chairholder of the European Civilization Chair at the College of Europe in Natolin, contributed the article Geopolitics, History and Memory Games: Jumping from the 20th to the 21st century to the bimonthly political news magazine New Eastern Europe. The piece was published in the latest issue of the publication (January-March 2023).

The article marked comparisons between the geopolitical conceptions and revisionist rhetoric exploited by Vladimir Putin and those of historical expansionists such as Friedrich Ratzel, Karl Haushofer, and Joseph Stalin. The article further elucidated the powerful role of collective and historical memory in contemporary geopolitics.

The article may be accessed via this link (only New Eastern Europe subscribers have full access).