Global Europe in the real new millenium


EG conf

The European General Studies Programme is organising a three conferences series to investigate and discuss the impact of Covid-19 on the future of European societies. The aim of the conference series is to initiate an interdisciplinary dialogue with leading intellectuals on the future of European societies and potential changes currently occurring. Today, the global pandemic we have just experienced seems to represent a turning point that has been described as the new real millennium. The profound consequences of the pandemic, after a series of successive crises in the years 2000-2010, may represent a major turning point for European integration. Three sessions have already taken place: 

  1. Conference with Prof. Patrick PASTURE and Prof. Wolfram KAISER

Prof. Patrick PASTURE, a History professor at KU Leuven & Prof. Wolfram KAISER, Visiting professor at the College of Europe, will analyse what can history teach us about the current dynamics and potential future implications for European integration. The conference was entitled: “The empire that never was. A Global History perspective on European Integration"

2. Conference with Prof. Philippe POCHET and Marta SOLER

This was a conference with Prof. Philippe POCHET, author of A la recherche de l'Europe sociale and Prof. Marta SOLER. The conference is entitled “Is there a post-pandemic future for social Europe?”. Professors gave an overview of the social Europe developments and will discuss the impact of the covid-19 crisis on the approach of social policies. The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Didier GEORGAKAKIS. This position paper written by Professor POCHET supported the discussion. 

3. Conference with Prof. Robert BOYER and Prof. George PAGOULATOS

Robert BOYER, renowned economist and fellow at the Institut des Amériques (Paris) and author of Les capitalismes à l'épreuve de la pandémie (2020), will discuss with George PAGOULATOS, professor (with Dia Anagnostou) of the course "Crisis, Changes in European Political Economy and their Impact on Societies" and director of ELIAMEP. The event was moderated by Didier Georgakakis, Academic Coordinator of the European General Studies Programme. For the conference, Prof. Boyer wrote a a position paper on the conference. 

4. Conference with Rector MOGHERINI and Prof. Laurence BADEL

During this conversation entitled "Diplomatie Tranquille et représentation plurielle", Laurence Badel, author of a remarkable book on European diplomacy, enlights us on the long history of diplomacy in Europe and will give us a look at its current state. Federica Mogherini brings us her vision as a high-level practitioner both as former Minister of Foreign Affairs in Italy and as High Representative and Vice President of the Commission.

Laurence BADEL also published an article in Le Grand Continent linked to the conference.


5. Conference with Jonathan WHITE and Christopher BICKERTON 

Jonathan WHITE, Professor of Politics at LSE, presented and discuss his work with Christopher BICKERTON, Professor of Modern European Politics at Cambridge and visiting Professor at the College. They exchanged views on the following topic: "Emergency Europe: patterns and prospects". Jonathan WHITE presented the main results from his book “Politics of Last Resort: Governing by Emergency in the European Union” (2019), and reflected on what they entail in light of contemporary developments and the post-pandemic world. They addressed these issues tied to the politics of emergency, focusing specifically on the post pandemic era. 

6. Conference with Juan DIEZ MEDRANO and Ruby GROPAS 
Juan Diez Medrano presents the main results of his book "Europe in Love. Binational Couples and Cosmopolitan Society" published in 2020. Professor Ruby Gropas, visiting professor at the College is exchanging with him on what sociology can teach us about this type of relationships and what it can mean for the future of Europe and European integration.