Workshop on European Integration, Regional Convergence, Productivity, Cohesion and Strategic Autonomy

April 29-30, 2024

College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium)

The workshop will be organised around the following sessions:

  • Academic Keynote: Prof. J. THISSE (UCL)
  • Policy Keynote: Dr. R. ARJONA (DG GROW, European Comission)
  • Academic sessions
    • SESSION (I): Strategic Autonomy (Chair: Prof. Dr. J. DIAZ-LANCHAS)
    • SESSION (II): Digitalization and productivity (Chair: Prof. Dr. P. LINARES)
    • SESSION (III): Assessment of European policies (Chair: Prof. Dr. L. CODOGNO)
    • SESSION (IV): Productivity and Growth (Chair: Dr. A. ERIKSGAARD)
  • Policy Panel: Prof. Dr. J. PELKMANS (CoE), Prof. Dr. L. CODOGNO (LSE, CoE), Dr. J. ARNAL (CEPS, Elcano Royal Institute) Dr. M. LANDABASO (JRC-European Commission), Prof. Dr. P. LINARES (Universidad Pontificia Comillas), Dr. C. PAUNOV (OECD)

The full program is available under this link.

You can follow the academic and policy keynote online via webex:

If you wish to attend the workshop, know the event is open to the public, but please give us a mail to so we can add you to the list of participants.


European integration in the economic, monetary and financial field have had very different consequences on productivity growth across sectors and regions, driving an economic wedge between EU citizens, both within and across countries. Technological progress is believed to spur economic dynamism, and is necessary to lift some EU regions out of stagnation, yet technological progress might accentuate regional disparities. Economic policies shaping the future of the European Union pay attention to cohesion yet in a quickly changing geopolitical and climate environment, such policies might require additional fiscal tools or investment to cope with these challenges. This workshop aims to study the dynamics of European integration, regional convergence, the transition, and the policies that guide these processes.

The main topics of the workshop include:

  • The impact of integration processes and technological change on the Single Market.
  • European strategic autonomy: effects on the Single Market and in the world economy.
  • Emergence of territorial disparities within and across EU Member states and regions.
  • EU policies tackling growth dynamics and regional convergence.
  • Regional policies, structural funds, and public investment in promoting convergence.
  • Digitalization, technological change, and productivity growth in the EU.
  • Firm dynamics and productivity growth.


Academic session will give presenters sufficient time to present their work, with ample time for debate during the sessions. Participants may be asked to act as discussant.

Useful information

The workshop will be held on site in Bruges at the College of Europe, at the Verversdijk Campus.

Information & Contact

For any further information on the workshop, you can always contact us at

Organisation Committee

This workshop is organized by the Department of Economics of the College of Europe and Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

Local organizer: Prof. Dr. Béatrice Dumont (College of Europe, Université Sorbonne).

Organising Committee: Peter Claeys (College of Europe and Universidad Pontificia Comillas), Jorge Diaz Lanchas (Universidad Pontificia Comillas).

Scientific Committee: Camelia Romocea Turcu (LEO – Université d’Orléans), Jaroslaw Pietras (College of Europe), Patrizio Lecca (Universidad Pontificia Comillas), Gonzalo Gomez Bengoechea (Universidad Pontificia Comillas), Simone Salotti (JRC – European Commission), Enrique López Bazo (Universitat de Barcelona), José Luiz Zofío (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam), Yevgeniya Shevtsova (JRC – European Commission), Philippe Monfort (European Commission)

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