Dr Andriy TYUSHKA published an op-ed on the EU’s Emerging Real(ist) Power in light of the war in Ukraine

Dr Andriy TYUSHKA, Senior Research Fellow in the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair at the College of Europe in Natolin, just published an op-ed titled "Made in Ukraine: The EU’s Emerging Real(ist) Power", in Judy Dempsey' Strategic Europe for Carnegie Europe.

This op-ed article looks into the early signs of the EU’s opening to using ‘hard power’ as part of its foreign and security policy repertoire. Assessing the EU’s early reactions to the Russian overt war campaign in Ukraine since February 24, 2022, the op-ed ponders on the challenges in forging and maintaining the EU’s collective resolve, adapting its strategy and boosting the capabilities – all to help Ukraine defend itself and test the EU’s strategic course towards autonomy and geopolitical actorness, as declared a few years ago.

The article is available at this link.