Seventh Annual Conference

Ten Years of the Effects-Based Approach in EU Competition Law: State of play and Perspectives

27 & 28 October 2011

The GCLC is pleased to announce its forthcoming Seventh Annual Conference. The 2011 edition - devoted to the Effects-Based Approach - will cover the following topics:

  • HISTORY AND STATE OF PLAY: Scope of the Effects-Based Approach in Antitrust and Merger Control
  • STRIKING THE BALANCE RIGHT: Anticompetitive Effects vs. Object under Article 101 and 102 TFEU
  • UNDERSTANDING THE ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK: Theories of Harm, Evidence, Causality and Defences
    • Courts dealing with economic analysis and evidence;
    • Competition Authorities in selecting, managing and deciding cases;
    • Companies and their Counsels in search of legal certainty and compliance.


Speakers include:

Bill ALLAN (U.K. Competition Appeal Tribunal), Jean-Yves ART (Microsoft), Jacques BOURGEOIS (WilmerHale), Paul DEMARET (College of Europe), Nicholas FORWOOD (General Court of the European Union), Damien GERADIN (Covington & Burling), Damien GÉRARD (University of Louvain), Enrique GONZALEZ DIAZ (Cleary Gottlieb), Kai-Uwe KÜHN (DG COMP), Miguel DE LA MANO (DG COMP), Arjen MEIJ (Former Judge at the General Court of the European Union), Massimo MEROLA (Bonelli Erede Pappalardo), Eric MORGAN DE RIVERY (Jones Day), Anne PERROT (French Competition Authority), Nicolas PETIT (Liège University), Jose RIVAS (Bird & Bird), Ekaterina ROUSSEVA (DG COMP), Donald SLATER (Ashurst), Denis WAELBROECK (Ashurst), Mike WALKER (CRA).


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