09 nov 2023

Seminar on Religious Radicalisation in Europe with Prof. Jean-Marie LE GALL organised by the Natolin Religion and Politics Nest

A partir de 14:00 till 15:30
Winter Garden
Natolin (Warsaw) Campus

On Thursday, 9 November 2023, the Natolin Religion and Politics Nest organised a seminar to examine the phenomenon of radicalisation within religious communities. This phenomenon has become a significant concern for European societies that have witnessed a trend towards secularisation and reduced religious influence.

The resurgence of religious radicalisation and violence, despite a secularising trend in Europe, poses significant challenges for societal cohesion. Governments have struggled to address these issues, as conflicts with religious components rekindle historical tensions and colonial legacies.

The seminar explored what could be done to mitigate this phenomenon with a guest speaker Professor Jean-Marie LE GALL, a distinguished academic, whose work often challenges traditional narratives, offering new perspectives on historical events and practices. Professor LE GALL is a recipient of several awards, including Le Dissez de Penanrum prize from the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences in 2007 for his book on the myth of Saint Denis, and the 2019 European History Book Prize for his work Défense et illustration de la Renaissance.

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