Target groups & faculty

The participants

This course targets:

  • Professionals of the legal sector: lawyers in private practice, in-house legal advisers, economists;
  • Representatives from National Competition Authorities;
  • Officials from national and regional administrations;
  • Officials from EU institutions and agencies working in the field of EU competition law;
  • Other professionals and academics working in the field of EU competition law from both EU and non-EU countries

Our former participants say:


« Well-structured lectures highlighting important issues and the ability to easily get into the details of specific cases because of the well-presented and explained ideology of competition law. »

« I feel considerably more comfortable with all the main aspects of EU competition law. I learnt more about EU competition in one week doing the course in the College than a whole term during my LL.M. Really amazing. I can know identify the main issues and make the correct assessment on whether and when to escalate them to external competition lawyers. This serves to better project the interests of my company ».

Participants should have a university degree, a very good command of English and some relevant work experience.

Seats for this course are limited in order to ensure an optimal interactive environment that fosters discussions and facilitates networking.

The College of Europe reserves the right to select participants based on their academic and professional profile.

The trainers

The sessions are delivered by high-level speakers from the expert network of the College of Europe, which comprises senior academics and practitioners with a sound working experience in and/or with the EU institutions.

“The course provides a detailed overview of every area of competition law in just one week, catering to all levels. It brings together renown experts with highly motivated participants, all from various professional backgrounds. It’s the perfect crash course at the perfect setting”.


Mr Alfonso Lamadrid

Competition law trainer and one of the trainers of this course

Our trainers are looking forward to meeting you

About the course

Why this course

Target groups & Faculty


Practical Information

