2024 Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union: the College of Europe trains Ministry of Justice personnel

In the context of the upcoming 2024 Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the College of Europe had the honour of being selected by the Federal Ministry of Justice (FOD Justitie / SPF Justice) to organise a 2-day training course on the exercise of the EU Council Presidency.

This type of training aligns with the established tradition at the College of Europe of providing tailor-made courses to prepare civil servants for their forthcoming roles in the Presidency. Similar trainings were organised in the context of the Slovenian and the Croatian Presidency.

The training took place on 7 and 8 September in Brussels and welcomed more than 45 participants from various departments of the Ministry of Justice.

The first day the participants were provided with detailed information on the EU decision-making process and the role of the EU Presidency, as well as hands-on advice on negotiation and mediation in the context of Council Working Parties’ activities.

On the second day, the focus shifted to topics specifically related to digitalisation and online tools in the field of justice, including a comprehensive analysis of transversal regulations relevant to the Justice and Home Affairs sector.

The course generated very insightful discussions and provided clarity on different roles, scenarios and dossiers to be addressed during the upcoming Presidency.