College of Europe Moot Court winners

 Many congratulations to all students of the European Legal Studies Department, and especially the finalists and the winning team (composed of Mihai BĂDESCU, Oihane MURUA ASTORQUIZA, Mirja OELFKE and Konstantinos SKALTSAS), for their stellar performance in the College of Europe Moot Court 2022! 

On Thursday 10th February, after a fiercely fought preliminary round, the finalists assembled in the Verversdijk auditorium in order to plead before the judges’ bench, which included all LAW Assistants, three distinguished alumni acting as guest judges, and was presided by Professor Garben. All teams managed to navigate a host of complex EU law issues, concerning both substantive labour law and pertinent constitutional matters in the EU legal order, in a highly competent way – and they were successful in presenting their arguments in a persuasive and eloquent manner.

Special thanks to the three guest judges: Vincent Delhomme (KEYNES Promotion 2017, Academic Assistant 2017-2020), Jonathan Saké (SOARES Promotion 2021, member of the winning CoE Moot team 2021) and Krzysztof Szymkowiak (ARENDT Promotion 2020, member of the winning CoE Moot team 2020).


LAW Moot Court Competition.10 February 2022