On November 16-17, the Department of Economics will organize a conference on Competition Policy together with the Universities of Wuerzburg, Aix-Marseille & Nice.
This conference benefits from the financial sponsorship of the French-German University.
The following issues will be tackled:
- Should we adopt a more integrative approach regarding the objectives of EU competition law?
- The trade-off between per se rules and effects-based approach: legal certainty and economic efficiency related concerns.
- Digital ecosystems, lock-in, and structural failures of the competition process?
- The interplay between competition law enforcement and sector specific regulations.
Building A, Foyer: Registration, coffee and lunch
Building A, Auditorium 1: Keynote speech
Building C, second floor: Sessions
Restaurant Le Chef et Moi, Dijver 13
19:30 DINNER / ABENDESSEN ------ 15 Novembre/November
PROGRAMME ------ DAY 1 – 16 Novembre/November 2023
08:00 – 09:00
REGISTRATION / ANMELDUNG (Petit-déjeuner/Frühstück)
09:00 – 09:10
- Welcome, Pr. Dr. Béatrice DUMONT, College of Europe & University Sorbonne Paris.
09:10 – 12:00
SESSION 1: The trade-off between per se rules and effects-based approach: legal certainty and economic efficiency related concerns.
- Paper 1 / Prof. David Bosco: Non-economic goals and the assumptions of competition rules in Europe.
- Paper 2 / Dr. Patrice Bougette (Oliver Budzinski & Frédéric Marty): La flexibilité des remèdes en matière de contrôle des concentrations.
- Paper 3 / Maya Garnier: Intent and Competition Law.
12:00 – 13:30
13:30 – 16:30
SESSION 2: The interplay between competition law enforcement and sector specific regulations.
- Paper 1 / Prof. Dr. Florian Bien: On the Relationship between Regulatory Autonomy of Sports Associations and Competition Law.
- Paper 2 / Dr. Björn C. Becker: The Application of the Meca-Medina Exception in the Competition Law Assessment of Sports Associations' Regulations.
- Paper 3 / Raffaele Palermo: New Approaches to State Aid Regulation: Is that still Competition Law?
16:30 – 17:00
17:00 – 19:00
SESSION 3: Digital ecosystems, lock-in, and structural failures of the competition process? – The economists’ perspective.
Chair: Toker Doganoglu (Würzburg)
- Paper 1 / Christian Eschenweck / Julia Reimer: Innovation and Imitation on Digital Platforms (provisional title).
- Paper 2 / Florian Heimann: Self Preferencing of Online-Platforms after the GC's Ruling in the Google Android Case.
PROGRAMME ----- DAY 2 - 17 Novembre/November 2023
09:00 – 11:30
SESSION 4: Digital ecosystems, lock-in, and structural failures of the competition process? – The lawyers’ perspective.
- Paper 1 / Claire Cizeron: The Meta Case: an illustration of relationships between competition law and regulatory law.
- Paper 2/ Jeanne Mouton: Unbalanced power relationship in digital markets between platforms and their complementors: can consumers come to the rescue?
- Paper 3/ Lylian Denis: Computational Antitrust, a State of Play.
11:30 – 12:00
12:00 – 13:00
KEYNOTE SPEECH Pr. Dr. Alexandre de Streel (University of Namur, Visiting Professor College of Europe & SciencesPo)
Chair: Béatrice Dumont (Bruges)
Title To Be Announced
13:00 – 14:30