MATA department hosts GMFUS Marshall Memorial Fellows at College of Europe
The department of Master of Arts in Transatlantic Affairs (MATA) hosted the Marshall Memorial Fellows (MMF) of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMFUS) from the United States at the College of Europe on 23 October 2022. Marshall Memorial Fellowship is a flagship leadership development program of GMF – connecting future leaders on both sides of the Atlantic.
Along with MATA Madeleine Albright promotion students, International Relations, and Diplomacy (IRD), European Political and Governance Studies (POL), and European Diplomatic Academy (EDA) participants attended the visit.
The participants from both sides of the Atlantic discussed the future of transatlantic affairs, challenges, and opportunities in current circumstances—covering the range of topics from US Midterm Elections and its possible outcome along with its impact on transatlantic affairs to transatlantic cooperation in terms of the climate change, diversity and inclusion. Prof. Michele Chang, MATA director, moderated the discussion.