MATA students visit the main Transatlantic Stakeholders in Brussels
On 17 February 2023, students in the Master’s in Transatlantic Affairs (MATA) from Bruges and Natolin participated in the annual MATA study trip to Brussels.
MATA students first visited the Mission of Canada to the European Union, where Jarrett RECKSEIDLER, Senior Political Affairs Officer at the Mission of Canada to the EU and College of Europe alumnus, together with Susanne CONNOLLY, Media Relations & Outreach Officer at the Mission of Canada to the EU, introduced the students to EU-Canada relations and its importance for transatlantic unity.
The MATA students next went to the United States and Canada Division of the European External Action Service (EEAS). Seconded national experts Aaretti SHTONEN and Ali YAZGILI explained the role of EEAS vis-à-vis transatlantic relations.
The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMFUS) hosted the MATA students at its Brussels office. Dr Ian LESSER, Vice President of GMFUS and Executive Director of the Brussels office, and Louise LANGEBY, Deputy Director of the GMFUS Brussels office, discussed the think tank’s work on transatlantic affairs.
Finally, at the US Mission to the European Union, MATA students enjoyed a private audience with US Ambassador to the EU Mark GITENSTEIN. Several students afterwards were interviewed as part of the US Mission’s social media campaign.