Modern monetary theory : a comprehensive and constructive criticism

Eduardo Garzón ESPINOSA. Modern monetary theory : a comprehensive and constructive criticism. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2024, electronic resource, e-book.

This book offers a rigorous, detailed and balanced analysis of the various contributions to the Modern Monetary Theory debate, incorporating both the arguments of proponents and those who point to its limitations and obstacles. Modern Monetary Theory has soared in popularity, particularly in response to the covid-19 pandemic and subsequent impacts to the economy which have led to deeper discussions about monetary and financial systems, fiscal and monetary policies, inflation and employment. The main characteristic of Modern Monetary Theory is that it offers a revolutionary way of thinking about all these issues, allowing us to abandon many of the myths that conventional economic theory installed in the collective imagination. Breaking down these false beliefs is an essential requirement to think and devise economic policy proposals that allow full employment to be achieved without suffering worrying inflation rates. However, this approach has also attratced many criticisms and it is also instructive to consider these in more detail to reach a fully rounded conclusion about the potential or merits of MMT. Written to be accessible to the non-economist, this book will be of great interest to readers from across the social sciences, and outside of academia who want to gain a fuller understanding of the Modern Monetary Theory phenomenon.