EU-funded project El-Hiwar II — Workshop on "Euro-Arab Relations: History, Opportunities and Key Players"

On 26 June 2019, the College of Europe Development Office organized, in the context of the EU-funded project ‘El-Hiwar II – Training and Information course on Euro-Arab relations’, a workshop on "Euro-Arab relations: History, opportunities and key players" in Brussels.

Participants were provided with a keynote lecture on the origins and evolution of the Euro-Arab dialogue by Dr Bichara KHADER: "Back to the origins and what do they tell us of the moments were are now in?", which was followed by a series of panel discussions on topics such as priorities and tools on Euro-Arab relations, the global and regional agendas for trade, climate change, migration, conflict prevention, and mediation as well as the opportunities to break stereotypes and bring the Arab and European citizens closer.

About 45 representatives from the League of Arab States (LAS),  Arab countries’ Missions and Member States’ Permanent Representations to the EU, the European Commission - DG NEAR, the European External Action Service (EEAS), and the European Parliament, among others, exchanged their views throughout the workshop. The activity took place a few months after the first EU-LAS summit in Sharm el Sheikh, allowing the participants to analyze its results and prospects for enhanced cooperation.

El-Hiwar II - Training and information course on Euro-Arab relations - Workshop 'Euro-Arab relations: History, opportunities, and key players' (26 June 2019)

El-Hiwar II: Training and Information Course on Euro-Arab Diplomacy, is a project funded by European Commission DG NEAR and implemented by the College of Europe. It is conceived as a dialogue tool for the EU and the LAS to support strengthened work relations and to learn about each other's functioning, mechanisms and policies.

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This project is funded by the European Union.

On 26 June 2019, the College of Europe Development Office organized, in the context of the EU-funded project ‘El-Hiwar II – Training and Information course on Euro-Arab relations’, a workshop on "Euro-Arab relations: History, opportunities and key players" in Brussels.