IEMed launches an open consultation on the EU and its Southern Neighbourhood
The College of Europe Development Office is happy to inform that the European Institute of the Mediterranean – IEMed has launched an open consultation on a renewed partnership between the European Union and its southern neighbourhood.
The region-wide consultation campaign is organised within the framework of the EuroMeSCo: Connecting the Dots project, co-funded by the EU and the IEMed and coincides with the 25th Anniversary of the Barcelona Process. This consultation is organised ahead of the publication of an EU Joint Communication on a Renewed Partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood and amid ongoing EU budgetary programming efforts.
The survey is open to the public! By taking part in the consultation, respondents can have a say and make their voices heard on topics such as:
- Human development, governance and migration;
- Inclusive, resilient and sustainable economies;
- Environment, energy and climate change resilience;
- Peace and security cooperation.
You can fill it in here by 22 January 2021 at the latest. (This survey is closed now)
Through its EU-funded project El-Hiwar II, the College of Europe contributes to the Euro-Arab dialogue by organising training, workshops and events on general and sectorial Euro-Arab affairs.
More information about the El-Hiwar II project can be found on