Professor for International Politics and Political Economy at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg since 2003. Studies of Political Science, Economics, English, Spanish in Bonn, Paris, Washington and Philadelphia (MA 1985). Ph. D in Political Science at the Department of Political Science in Bonn (1989). Habilitation (Dr.phil.habil) in Bonn (1996).

Director of the postgraduate “European Studies Program” at the Center for European Integration Studies in Bonn (1998-2002). Visiting Professor at the Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC (2002/3). Visiting Professor at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC (2007). Senior Fellow at the Transatlantic Academy of the German Marshall Fund of the United States in Washington DC (September 2016-May 2017). Visiting Professor at Otago University, New Zealand (August/September 2019).

Since 1998: Visiting Professor at the Universities of Antwerp, Bonn, Bologna, Brugge, Boston, Natolin, Milan, Innsbruck, Vienna, Tübingen, Budapest, Birmingham, London, Moscow, Zurich, Oxford and Washington. Since 2002: Senior Fellow at the Center for European Integration Studies in Bonn (CEI).

Fields of interests: EU foreign and security policy, transatlantic relations, German foreign policy, international political economy.

Author of numerous books and more than 200 articles – newly released books: Das Ende der Selbstfesselung. Deutsche Aussenpolitik in einer Welt ohne Führung, Springer 2019, The new Geopolitics of Transatlantic Relations. Coordinated Responses to Common Dangers, Washington 2012, Die EU als globaler Akteur (2nd, revised ed.), Wiesbaden 2014.

Publications (selection of books):

  • 2021 New Perspectives on Transatlantic Relations. Multidisciplinary Approaches, Heidelberg
  • 2021 The end of Self-Bondage. German Foreign Policy in a world without leadership, Wiesbaden
  • 2019 Das Ende der Selbstfesselung. Deutsche Aussenpolitik in einer Welt ohne Führung, Wiesbaden 
  • 2017 The changing East Asian Security Landscape. Challenges, Actors and Governance, Wiesbaden
  • 2014 Die EU als globaler Akteur, Wiesbaden (2nd, revised ed.)
  • 2012 The new Geopolitics of Transatlantic Relations. Coordinated Responses to common dangers, Washington
  • 2009 Die EU als Globaler Akteur, Wiesbaden
  • 2007 The European Neighbourhood Policy: An adequate Instrument for Democratization?, in: Johannes Varwick/Kai-Olaf Lang (ed.), European Neighbourhood Policy. Challenges for the EU policy towards the new neighbours, Opladen/Farmington Hills
  • 2005 Strategic Implications of Euro-Atlantic enlargement (with Esther Brimmer), Center for Transatlantic Relations, Washington
  • 2004 How much regional differentiation is necessary to establish a successful CSCE-analogous process in the Greater Middle East, in: ZEI-Discussion Paper, C 137,
  • 2004 The Difficulties of EU Governance, Frankfurt a.M./Brussels
  • 2004 Major tasks and the state of the art. The work of the EU Convention, Washington
  • 2003 The EU and the US in the age of globalization, Konrad-Adenauer Foundation, Washington
  • 2002 Die GASP der EU: Entwicklungen und Perspektiven, Bonn
  • 2001 Die Rolle des Bundeskanzleramtes im außenpolitischen Entscheidungsprozeß der Bundesrepublik zwischen in der Ära Kohl, Paderborn
  • 1998 Zwischen selektiver Verteidigung und globaler Überdehnung; Geostrategisches Denken in der amerikanischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik während des Kalten Krieges, Baden-Baden
  • 1998 Amerikanische Geopolitik von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges, München
  • 1997 The New Transatlantic Agenda, Sankt Augustin
  • 1993 Die USA und die neue Weltordnung, Bonn

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