Project 'Support to accession negotiations in economic chapters of acquis' (SANECA)

From March to October 2022, the College of Europe implemented the project 'Support to accession negotiations in economic chapters of acquis' (SANECA)

Together with the Albanian School of Public Administration and GIZ, the College of Europe has designed and implemented a series of training courses to the members of the Inter-Institutional Working Groups for European Integration (IIWGEI) in chapters 1, 3, 20 and 28.

A total of 36 training sessions were implemented, focused on 90 European legal acts and related institutions.

  • 248 representatives of 45 institutions participated
  • 438 participants in total 
  • 12 high-level experts mobilised
  • 173 hours of trainings in total
  • 12 Onsite (Tirana)
  • 24 Online

The trainings aimed at increasing capacities of IIWGEI members on the overall framework and principles of selected chapters, EU relevant institutions, acquis requirements and the dynamics of the accession negotiations. During the same period two Training of Trainers were conducted for ASPA trainers with the purpose of building local expertise and creating a pool of experts, capable of delivering EU Acquis - related trainings, combining innovative methods and techniques.

On Friday 14 November 2023, the closing ceremony of the project took place in Tirana. More info and picture available here:

The College of Europe is grateful to GIZ Albania and ASPA for the fruitful cooperation throughout the project and wishes all the best to the participants.

The project 'Support to accession negotiations in economic chapters of acquis' (SANECA), financed by the German Federal Government and implemented by GIZ, is supporting the Ministry of Finance and Economy (MFE) with the overall objective to strengthen the competences of the public administration in IIWGEIs to conduct EU accession negotiations in these chapters of the economic sector.

More news from the Executive Education, Training and Projects Office: Training & Projects news | Coleurope