Study visit on Migration for League of Arab States representatives

EU-funded El-Hiwar III Project

From 25 to 26 September 2023, the EU-funded project EL-Hiwar III organised a study visit for 20 representatives of the League of Arab States Secretariat and its Member States.

In the framework of the EU-funded project El-Hiwar III, a study visit in The EU-funded project El-Hiwar organised a League of Arab States Study Visit in Brussels on the 25th and 26th of September 2023. Hosted by the European Commission at Le Berlaymont, 20 representatives from the engaged.

During the one day and a half visit that took place at the premises of the European Commission at Le Berlaymont, participants engaged with representatives from diverse institutions and agencies of the EU, including the European External Action Service, The Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission, (DG Home), the Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography of the Joint Research Centre and the European Union Agency for Asylum. The participants engaged in conversations on external aspects of the EU Migration Act, on Schengen and visa processes and legal migration and integration, on the work of the EU Agency for Asylum as well as on the data collection and analysis carried out by the Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography bridging the gap between science and policy-making.

The debates were complemented by three thematic discussions on refugees, migrant women and unaccompanied children conducted by external scholars and experts. A final roundtable served to identify and debate on the migration trends in the Euro-Arab region and craft some preliminary recommendations.

The meeting was an excellent opportunity for the participants to familiarise with EU legislation and instruments on migration as well as to deepen the dialogue between the EU and the League of Arab States on migration challenges, as well as sharing best practices and experiences from both regions.

2023_College of Europe El Hiwar III Study Visit Sep 2023

El-Hiwar III: Training and Information Course on Euro-Arab Diplomacy is a project funded by the European Commission's DG NEAR and implemented by the College of Europe. It is conceived as a dialogue tool for the EU and the LAS to support the strengthening of working relations and to learn about each other's functioning, mechanisms and policies.

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This project is funded by the European Union.