Third Summer School on Euro-Arab Relations (17-21 July 2023)

EU-funded project El-Hiwar III

The third Summer School on Euro-Arab Relations, organised by the Executive Education, Training and Project Office of the College of Europe in the context of the EU-funded El-Hiwar III project, took place from 17 to 21 July 2023 in Bruges and Brussels.

A total of 16 participants from both European and Arab countries and with varied backgrounds (recent graduates, public, private and NGO actors) benefited from the course. Motivated by the objective of more and better dialogue between Euro-Arab political and social actors, the participants contributed to the course with their reflections, ideas for improvement and project proposals.

The one-week training programme focused, among other topics, on climate change, humanitarian response, foresight and crisis anticipation and resilience-building.

The programme also included visits to the European External Action Service (EEAS), the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), the International Committee of the Red Cross Brussels delegation (ICRC) and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Brussels office on 19 July 2023, where both the functioning of the organisations and key issues on Euro-Arab relations and joint actions of these key actors in the region were discussed.

Please have a look at the pictures of the third El-Hiwar Summer School here!

El-Hiwar III: Training and Information Course on Euro-Arab Diplomacy is a project funded by the European Commission's DG NEAR and implemented by the College of Europe. It is conceived as a dialogue tool for the EU and the LAS to support the strengthening of working relations and to learn about each other's functioning, mechanisms and policies.

If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at

More information about the project here: