Training programme for young civil servants of the Western Balkans
3 – 14 June 2024 ǀ Tirana, Brussels, and The Hague.
The College of Europe in Bruges has been commissioned by the Kingdom of the Netherlands to organise a two-week training programme tailored to young civil servants working in the field of EU affairs in the Western Balkans.
The training will take place in Tirana, Albania, from Monday, 3 June to Friday, 14 June, and will include a study trip to Belgium and the Netherlands. The programme will provide participants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills relating to EU policies and decision-making, with a focus on the accession process.
The training programme will consist of two weeks of lectures, workshops and panel debates, plus a visit to Brussels and The Hague. The highly interactive sessions will be conducted by a renowned trainer faculty with hands-on experience with EU institutions. Each session will give ample scope for discussing and exchanging good practices.
Further information is available on the following website: