Legal Adviser, Legal Service of the Council of the EU /between 1st April 2006 - 30th April 2020/

Senior Legal Adviser, Legal Service of the Council of the EU / between 1st May 2020- 31st January 2023/ 

Adviser in Strategic Legal and Institutional Affairs, Council of the EU / since 1st February 2023 – onwards/

He teaches at the College of Europe Bruges and Natolin (Warsaw) since the 1997-98 Academic Year onwards. 

He obtained a Doctorate degree, with summa cum laude, in Legal and Political Sciences from the ELTE University, Budapest (1991). He was Head of Unit in the Prime Minister Office of Hungary (1991-1992) and later on Director of different Hungarian Privatization Institutions (1992-1995). He was Legal Adviser to the EU Delegation, Budapest (1995-2001). He taught EU Law and legal transitology at several HU Universities (1991-2006). He was the co-founder and the Vice-President of the European Law Academy in Budapest (1999-2006) and also the co-founder of the European Law Journal in HU (2000). He is Member of the Budapest Bar Association (since 2001-). He was founding President of the Hungarian FIDE Association (2003-2006) and member of FIDE CD (2003- ). He was Chief Legal Adviser to the EU Council Presidency (in 2011, as seconded EU official in Budapest as well as also during the 2024 HU’s EU Council Presidency between April ’24 and end of December ’24, seconded at the HU PermRepr in Brussels). He played a key-role in having and organizing the XXVII. FIDE Congress in Budapest in 2016. He was successful in an EU (EPSO) open competition for Head of Unit posts in 2005. Since 1997, he has been invited as key-note speaker/panelist/discussant/chair at more than 100 international conferences. He is specialist of the law on EU Structural and Investment Funds; EU external action law and practice; public international law; EU enlargement law and ENP; fundamental rights, better regulation and rule of law issues within EU institutional law and policy etc. He is the author, co-author, editor, co-editor of 15 books, and author of more than 110 academic articles. 

Some of his most recent publications: (i) J. Czuczai:The Rosneft case as a good example for smooth interaction between EU law and international law in the most recent jurisprudence of the CJEU’ in “Interface between EU Law and International Law- Contemporary reflections” (Eds: I. Govaere- S. Garben), Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2019, pp. 307-319.; (ii) J Czuczai: ‘Article 8 TEU as a potential (still waiting) legal basis for "Privileged Partnership"-type agreements between the EU and its neighbors’, JURA, 2019 No.1, Pécs, pp. 37-51.; (iii) J Czuczai: ‘Disintegration and the EU migration crisis? -legal divergences, current legal challenges and those lying ahead’ in “Integration and disintegration in the EU legal order” (J-A. Kämmerer- M. Kotzur-J. Ziller), 2019 SIPE Volume, Baden-Baden, NOMOS, pp. 327-354.; (iv) J. Czuczai: ‘The long term implications for financial conditionality in the wake of judgments in Cases C-156/21 and C-157/21’ at the “Rule of Law Conditionality” Webinar of the EULawLive and the College of Europe, 24 February 2022 at (from 1:12:00); (v) J Czuczai: ‘The efficiency of the available toolbox for the protection of the common values of the EU, with special regard to rule of law-An institutional perspective’, JURA, 2024/2. (under publishing); (vi) J Czuczai: 'Teaching Europe- A commitment of 25 years in Brugge', 2025, Budapest-Brugge (under publishing).

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