Soledad García Retortillo (ES) is visiting language professor for Spanish at the College of Europe. She holds a degree in Romanic Philology from the University of Extremadura and she read PhD studies in Linguistics from the Catholic University of Louvain. She also obtained a graduate degree in Document Management from the Università Oberta de Catalunya.

She teaches Spanish at the European Commission and at the European Parliament, as well as at the Instituto Cervantes in Brussels. She is also a teacher trainer of Spanish teachers at Belgian secondary schools (Université Ouverte de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles). She worked several years as a Spanish translator at the General Secretariat of the Schengen Agreement and as a free-lance translator.

In the context of language teaching, one of her major areas of interest is the use of ICTs tools in the classroom. Within this area, she focuses on the practice of learning platforms and creating new educational spaces.

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