The EU-funded project El-Hiwar II organised on 19 October 2021 an online briefing for European Commission (EC) officials and the Secretariat of the League of Arab States (LAS) to exchange on each organisation’s priorities in the field of education.
Minister Plenipotentiary/ Doaa KHALIFA– Director of Education and Scientific Research in the League of Arab States and her team presented the mandate and current initiatives of LAS.
Germán BERNAL RIOS from DG EAC then presented existing cooperation mechanisms with Arab League Member States under Erasmus+ and the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions.
The last part of the briefing zoomed into the matter of digital education. This gave the opportunity to Marta MARKOWSKA from DG EAC to present to LAS the EU’s Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.
One of the conclusions of the meeting was that both organisations have many priorities in common. Both adopted an inclusive approach to education with the objective of leaving no one behind. Exchanges indeed covered topics such as providing education opportunities to refugees, reaching out to those who left the formal education system as well as strategies to bridge the digital and connectivity divide.
Another key finding is that both organisations are working on digital education as a matter of priority and are trying to support a transition from a short-term solution in the context of Covid towards a longer term approach.
El-Hiwar II: Training and Information Course on Euro-Arab Diplomacy, is a project funded by DG NEAR and implemented by the College of Europe. It is conceived as a dialogue tool for the EU and the LAS to support strengthened work relations and to learn about each other's functioning, mechanisms and policies.
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This project is funded by the European Union