EU-funded project El-Hiwar II- Closing activities
The EU-funded project El-Hiwar II will be coming to an end on 19 May 2022 after 47 months of implementation. The project embraced a wide scope of thematic areas and a variety of different activities. Many stakeholders have been involved and have seen the value of the project in contributing to Euro-Arab relations.
The College of Europe Executive Education, Training & Projects Office has organised several activities during this closing phase. One of the key added-values of the project is that, throughout the years, it constituted a unique community of Euro-Arab stakeholders and this community was mobilized during two online working sessions:
- a Strategic Thinkers Forum on March 8th with experts from academia, think tanks and civil society specialized in Euro-Arab relations, and
- a Youth Forum on March 9th gathering participants from the two promotions of the El-Hiwar Summer School.
The project further organised on April 26th an online gathering of the wider group of stakeholders: the key institutional stakeholders of the project (The El-Hiwar project team, the European Commission - DG NEAR, the Secretariat General of the League of Arab States, the European External Action Service - EEAS, the EU Delegation in Cairo, ECLASLO and the League of Arab States Mission in Brussels) but also two spokespersons from the youth forum and a spokesperson from the strategic thinkers forum. It covered the following:
- The next decade for Euro-Arab relations – findings from the consultation of strategic thinkers and exchange with EU and LAS representatives;
- Reflecting on youth recommendations and needs – findings from the youth forum and exchange of ideas with EU and LAS representatives;
- Takeaways, lessons learnt and recommendations for the sustainability of the project’s results.
To communicate on the results of El-Hiwar as well as on key findings of the consultations of stakeholders and takeaways of the closing event, a video in English and Arabic featuring the following is being produced:
- Key facts and figures on El-Hiwar
- Interviews with focal points of the project amongst key stakeholders
- Testimonials
The publication and dissemination of the video is foreseen for May 2022.
El-Hiwar II: Training and Information Course on Euro-Arab Diplomacy, is a project funded by DG NEAR and implemented by the College of Europe. It is conceived as a dialogue tool for the EU and the LAS to support strengthened work relations and to learn about each other's functioning, mechanisms and policies.
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This project is funded by the European Union