Nathalie Brack is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science of the Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). She is one of the four editors of the Journal of European Integration.
Course offered: L'Union européenne face aux crises: légitimité, politisation, populisme, partis politiques, désinformation (30h)
Previous professional affiliations: After her studies at the College of Europe (Beethoven Promotion, 2005-2006), she received the grant “European Spirit” from the Bernheim Foundation and worked for a year for the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU. Between 2007 and 2013, she worked as teaching assistant at the Université libre de Bruxelles, where she received her PhD (L’euroscepticisme au Parlement européen. Stratégies d’une opposition anti-système au cœur des institutions, published by Larcier, 2014 and recipient of the Xavier Mabille prize for the best PhD Thesis by the Belgian Political Science Association 2013-2014). Then she conducted postdoctoral studies on the linkage between parliamentarians and citizens in Europe at Oxford University (European Studies Center, St Antony’s College). She was visiting Professor at the Université catholique de Louvain (2013-2014), at Sciences Po Bordeaux (2015-2016), at the Université de Lausanne (2017-2018) and at the University Panthéon-Assas (2023-2024). She was Academic Coordinator of the EG Programme at the College from 2018 to 2020.
Other professional activities: She is Member of the Steering Committee of the ECPR Standing Group on the EU and coordinates the online seminar series on EU affairs of the Standing Group (SGEU). She recently co-led the project "Conflicts of sovereignty in the EU" financed by the Wiener Anspach Foundation, together with Christopher Bickerton (Cambridge University), and Ramona Coman and Amandine Crespy (ULB). She is currently involved in two European projects led by the Institute for European Studies at the ULB: Gem-Diamond (Globalisation, Europe and Multilateralism : Democratic Institutions, the rise of Alternative MOdels and mounting Normative Dissensus) and Red Spinel (Respond to Emerging Dissensus: SuPranational Instruments and Norms of European democracy).
She is also involved in the project Polevpop, which brings together scholars from 13 countries to conduct elites interview on political representation.
She is currently the Principal Investigator of the MIS research project on post-truth politics and political parties.
Research interests: Her teaching interests include EU institutions, EU decision-making process, Euroscepticism, populism, Conspiracy theories, political representation and comparative politics.
Nathalie Bracks' publications focus on Euroscepticism, EU politics and institutions as well as parliamentary studies. She wrote “Opposing Europe in the European Parliament. Rebels and Radicals in the Chamber” (Palgrave, 2018). She published articles in the Journal of Common Market Studies, European Union Politics, French Politics, Research and Politics, Political Psychology, the Journal of Politics and the Journal of European Integration amongst others. She is co-editor of the book “Theorising the crisis of the European Union” (with S. Gürkan, 2021: ).