
Academic Chairs

Natolin hosts two Academic Chairs, one devoted to the study and research of European History and Civilization, and the other focusing on the European Neighbourhood Policy. Beside being active in research and publications, both Academic Chairs are involved in the academic offer at Natolin by teaching compulsory and optional courses, organizing special lectures and events with prominent speakers and offering Master’s thesis supervision to students. » more

Natolin Library

The Natolin Library holds a collection of over 45,000 books covering all the subjects taught on the campus and many more. It also boasts a large periodicals collection on European Affairs and an extensive collection of electronic and data resources. » more


Publications by the European Civilization Chair. » more 
Publications by the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair. » more
Publications of the Natolin Nests Series. » more
Publications of the Natolin Policy Papers. » more
Publications in cooperation with De Europa. » more

Student Publications

Students actively contribute to academic and campus life through student publications and specific media channels. » more 

General News