
About the programme

Erasmus+ was established in 1987 as a student exchange programme, providing learning mobility opportunities to approximately 3000 university students. Since then, around 13 million people have taken part in the Erasmus programme.

Currently, it offers mobility and cooperation opportunities in higher education, vocational education and training, school education, adult education, youth, and sport. Erasmus+ mobility and cooperation projects support the green and digital transformation while helping to discover the benefits of active citizenship and participation in democratic life. Furthermore, inclusion and support to participants with fewer opportunities remain a core priority of the programme. The programme is named after the Dutch philosopher, theologian, and Renaissance Humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536).

For the period 2021-2027, Erasmus+ has an estimated budget of €26.2 billion, which is nearly doubled compared to the former financial perspective 2014-2020, and furthermore completed by around €2.2 billion from the EU external cooperation instrument. The program will be key to creating the European Education Area by 2025 and should mobilize the education, training, youth, and sports sectors to return to normal and future growth. Moreover, in 2021 the European Commission adopted a framework to increase the inclusiveness and diversity of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes for the period 2021-2027.


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