Michele CHANG
- Director (College of Europe), Transatlantic Affairs Programme
- Professor, European Political and Governance Studies Department
Courses offered:
- Compulsory course: The Political Economy of European Integration (40h)
- Optional course: Financing the EU's geopolitical ambitions and economic transformations: EU fiscal, financial and monetary policies (30h) (with Gabriel GLÖCKLER)
Previous professional affiliations: Boston University; Centre for European Policy Studies; Cornell University; Colgate University
Education: Ph.D. University of California San Diego; B.A. Smith College
Other professional activities:Trans European Policy Studies Association; European Union Studies Association; Scientific Committee of the Brexit Research and Policy Institute, Dublin City University; Advisory Panel of Positive Money Europe; Academic Advisory Board, European Student Think Tank
Research interests : Economic and Monetary Union, euro area, euro area economic governance, European Central Bank, fiscal policy coordination, Banking Union, financial crises
- Chang, Michele. 2023. "Government Bond-Buying by the European Central Bank: Leadership Versus Accountability." In The Cambridge Handbook of European Monetary, Economic and Financial Integration, edited by Dariusz Adamski, Fabian Amtenbrink and Jakob De Haan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Chang, Michele. 2023. "Reindustrialising Europe: synergies of the Single Market." Elcano Royal Institute ARI 66/2023 (17 July).
- Chang, Michele. 2023. "Legtimizing central bank independence under the post-Maastricht framework." In The Political Economy of Europe’s Future and Identity: Integration in crisis mode, edited by Annette Bongardt and Francisco Torres, 210-218. Florence and Lisbon: European University Institute and UCP Press.
- Chang, Michele, Gabriel Glöckler , and Laura Pierret. 2023. "Fighting Fires from Crisis to Crisis: The Evolution of Central Banking in Europe." In The EU Political System after the 2019 European Elections, edited by Olivier Costa and Steven Van Hecke. London: Palgrave.
- Chang, Michele. 2023. "Chapter 11: Economic Governance." In Europe Today: A Twenty-First Century Introduction, edited by Erik Jones and Masha Hedberg. Washington, DC: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Chang, Michele. 2022. "The Art of Compromise: Belgium as the Bridge between Germany and France." German Politics 31 (2):218-239. doi: 10.1080/09644008.2021.2002847.
- Chang, Michele. 2021. "Euro Area fiscal policies and capacity in post-pandemic times." Paper prepared for the European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs PE 689.445 -July 2021. doi: doi:10.2861/063465 | QA-03-21-227-EN-N.
- Chang, M. (2020). “Sui Generis No More? The ECB’s Second Decade” Journal of European Integration 42(3): 311-352
- Chang, M. (2020). “The Financial Settlement for the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union” in Federico Fabbrini, editor, The Law and Politics of Brexit Volume 2: The Withdrawal Agreement (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- Chang, M. (2020). Co-editor with F. Steinberg and F. Torres. The Political Economy of Adjustment Throughout and Beyond the Eurozone Crisis: What Have We Learnt? (Abingdon: Routledge)