Postgraduate students at the School of Public Management, Ukrainian Catholic University, coming from diverse professional backgrounds, participated in a four-day study visit to Poland organised from 29 January to 1 February 2024 by the College of Europe in Natolin, in partnership with the School of Public Management.
The participants took part in a tailored program designed to specifically meet their needs, focusing on various aspects of the European integration process and relations between the EU and Ukraine, regional development, cross-border cooperation, migration, etc. The group also had an opportunity to discuss the role of disinformation as a weapon. The program aimed to deepen participants' understanding of these intricate subjects through expert-led discussions and lectures.
Highlights of the visit included in-depth sessions led by academics from the College of Europe in Natolin and visits to executive authorities, think tanks, along with representative offices of international organizations operating in Warsaw. Key points on the agenda encompassed meetings with representatives of the Prime Minister’s Chancellery, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, the European Commission’s Representation in Warsaw, the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Ukraine, the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), and the German Marshall Fund of the US.