Natolin Human Rights Society organises a visit to Frontex HQ in Warsaw
On 16 April 2018, a group of Natolin students visited the headquarters of Frontex located in Warsaw. During the visit, the Spokesperson for Frontex, Ms Izabela COOPER, made a presentation on the role and development of the mandate of Frontex, and on the different regulations and procedures applied by this European Agency. The students also had an opportunity to discuss the challenges faced by Frontex during the migration crisis. The presentation was followed by a meeting with the Frontex Fundamental Rights Officer, Ms Inmaculada ARNAEZ FERNANDEZ, who introduced to students the human rights aspect of the work of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, including such issues as protection of fundamental rights at borders and in the course of return operations, as well as prevention of trafficking in human beings. Ms ARNAEZ emphasized the increased importance of protection of fundamental rights in Frontex operations and presented the bodies and tools of the agency designed to serve this purpose.
The visit was organised by the Human Rights Society in cooperation with the Administration of the College of Europe in Natolin.