Natolin students at the Karlspreis Europa Summit in Aachen
The Karlspreis Europa Summit brings together around 150 decision-makers from the realms of politics, science, business, media and society. This year, the summit emphasized the involvement of young Europeans.
After a selection process conducted by the Student Affairs and Professional Development Office (SAPDO), three Natolin students from the David Sassoli Promotion, Ms Armela BROCAJ, Mr Alfonso RE and Mr Rachad YOUNES, were offered the opportunity to take part in the summit, which took place in Aachen on 16 November 2022.
The participation of the Natolin students was achieved within the framework of a collaboration between the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen, the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia and the College of Europe in Natolin.
The summit aims to provide an opportunity for open and mutual debate, connecting scientific approaches and political developments, discussing innovative endeavors and pushing European progress. The panel discussions in which Natolin students participated were on the EU's Strategic Compass, Europe's energy transition, its economies under pressure, followed by roundtables on AI governance and global competition, the operation of European policies with a particular focus on promoting climate policies in Europe.
Beyond their participation in the summit, the students were invited to exchange their views and ideas on the future of Europe with the MEP, Co-chair of the Conference on the Future of Europe, and former Belgian Prime Minister Mr Guy VERHOFSTADT.