Professor Georges MINK gives an interview to “Ukraina Moderna”, International Intellectual Journal
On 16 April 2024, Professor Georges MINK, Permanent Professor in the European Civilisation Chair at the College of Europe in Natolin, gave an interview to “Ukraina Moderna”, International Intellectual Journal.
The interview was devoted to the role of the historical memory in legitimizing Russia's aggressive policy. Professor Mink examined the role of memory politics in the Kremlin's renewed imperial paradigm and which historical events it instrumentalizes the most. The piece also touches upon issues of Ukraine's collective memory of World War II and the Holocaust.
"Ukraina Moderna" is one of the leading historical online platforms in Ukraine, a virtual platform for professional communication of historians and representatives of other social sciences and humanities. It is devoted to the history of Ukraine and Central and Eastern Europe of the late XVIII – XX centuries. The full interview can be found here.