Recent academic activities by Dr Marta WOJAKOWSKA

Dr Marta WOJAKOWSKA, the Head of Languages and Intercultural Dialogue Office (LIDO) at the College of Europe in Natolin, published a book entitled Développer la compétence plurilingue et pluriculturelle en classe de français sur objectifs spécifiques (exemple du français de la diplomatie).

The book aims to emphasise the importance of the plurilingual and pluricultural approach in teaching the French language to young professionals. It also raises didactic questions which strive to clarify the manner in which the notions of teaching French for Specific Purposes and Interculturality interact with each other.
The book can be accessed at here.

On Sunday, 7 October 2021 and Monday, 8 October 2021, Dr WOJAKOWSKA represented the College of Europe in Natolin at the international conference hosted by the Global Research Institute of Paris and the Polish Academy of Science in Paris. The event entitled ‘Specialised Language Teaching in Era of Globalisation’ took place in Paris.

Dr Wojakowska presented a research paper entitled Globalisation, virtualisation et pandémie une nouvelle chance pour l’enseignement des langues de spécialité which makes a case for looking at the difficult time of the pandemic which has changed so much in language teaching as a new opportunity for language teachers.