Special podcast training session for students at the Natolin campus
On January 29 2022, the Journalism and Media Nest hosted a special training session for students at the Natolin campus of the College of Europe. The session was conducted by Jarosław KOCISZEWSKI, a radio journalist with over 20 years of experience. For the last several years, Mr KOCISZEWSKI has been creating and producing professional podcasts with his company Free Range Productions – the only company in Poland which is qualified to do BBC Reports.
During the workshop, students learned more about basics of podcasting, various ways to approach podcasts, as well as some technical sides to getting starting.
The mission of the Natolin Journalism and Media Nest is to explore, together with students, current trends and issues related to journalism and media in Europe and the world. The Nest conducts practical trainings and workshops as well as discussions and debates on hot topics.